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What is the basic form of the waiting chair design?

2020-12-31 09:27:37

There are two forms of waiting chairs: benches and chairs.

As a part of the building, the public seats are set in the corridor. They are not only for sitting, lying down, but also for playing chess and other entertainment. At the beginning, people think that the stool is a movable board surface, emphasizing the horizontal plane of the modeling, weakening the sense of visual repression, can be free to change the direction of sitting, when people sit together to a bench, the state of mind is not the same. 

In contrast, the appearance of the public chair, gradually into people's lives and replace the existence of the bench.

The chair originates from the ancient storage and retrieval apparatus, takes the seat this single function as the main goal, is provided with the backrest and the armrest. There are two types of chairs, single-seat and double-seat. Single-seater chairs are used in parks, plazas and other places. It shows the character of a group rest place, and its configuration space is mainly composed of bars, concentric circles and other geometric shapes. The other chair for 3 people to use, its length to 180cm appropriate, generally set in various types of public space, such as: Airport, high-speed rail station, bus station, hospital, etc. .